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My identity will purposefully be veiled, knowing that the main focus of this practice concerns your life.  Nevertheless, in order for you to better capture my essence and assess if we may be a compatible match for this great experience the Tarot offers, describing my spiritual journey and personality traits is an essential requirement.



Intuition is at the heart of all my life decisions. My relationship to spirituality has always been present even though I wasn’t aware of it. Taking into consideration the fact that I wasn’t raised in a religious household, no one around me was able to provide me with such knowledge. Therefore I didn’t know that the experiences I had were spiritual ones. Because my intuition has always been very strong, I would often stumble upon a collection of interconnected signs and events which helped me notice certain recurring patterns that I would link to life’s mysteries. Buddhism was my first veritable step into the spiritual realm. As of today, I still consider myself free from needing to identify with any religion or dogma. But I do draw tremendous inspiration from World philosophies and various religious and spiritual movements. Through Buddhism, I encountered the practice of mindfulness which consequently led me to develop my capacity for visualisations. My endless travels allowed me to meet shamans, energy healers, spiritually tuned people who played a fundamental part in validating my experience. Throughout the years, I noticed that some of my dreams were premonitory ones and others were telepathic ones. 


One day, out of the blue, a shaman friend asked me to go buy a tarot card deck and provide her with a reading… Naturally, it left me in a definite state of stupefaction, but surprisingly and quite automatically, I accepted and got my first tarot card deck in an esoteric shop the next day. I was never accustomed to such spiritual practices before, with the exception of meditation and self-hypnosis. I didn’t really take it seriously and was quite sceptical concerning the veritable credibility it may hold. 


A few months later, I discovered that one of my dearest friend was a tarot card reader herself. This was a turning point which led us on a grand journey of study.. At first, I used to see this as a game, but over time, we both started to witness the veritable power of cartomancy in our daily lives, whether it be on our personal growth, as we both reached heightened states of awareness, or on our ability to foretell certain events in each other’s life. The Tarot was not a game anymore, it became a tool to access the different etheric realms to better comprehend our realities and better fulfil our individuation process to live a meaningful life. It became a healing practice. 



Instinctively, I then chose to use it to guide people the way my friend and I have been able to guide each other. I started to expand my practice to my relatives, and later on to complete strangers. The whole experience was mesmerising, people’s reactions and gratitude towards those tarot readings led me to accept my gifts and aptitude to guide others. The irony is that the Tarot led me to my purpose in order to guide others through it. 

During this blossoming process, I developed the pre-existing gifts lying dormant within me. Divination being the most evident one through my tarot card practice sometimes coupled with the use of my pendulum. It also strengthened my clairvoyance gradually. As a child, my mother used to call me “Miss I know everything”, I did have this unfortunate trend to say “I know” excessively … Obviously, this wasn’t a mere coincidence as I understood that my deep intuitive knowledge was the expression of my claircognizance. In the recent years, clairsentience made its presence through physical sensations such as chills or other bodily reactions. Those are the ways in which I am able today to provide guidance and convey messages through Tarot. 


On regards to my personality, it is a natural tendency of mine to reach a helping hand and provide an attentive ear to whomever crosses my path. Altruism is an essential aspect of my nature and I have been leading my life, for the most part, through my heart. I aim towards excelling at communication and am profoundly fascinated by human nature. All my professional endeavours circle around human life and its mysteries. Warmth, joy, humour, empathy, kindness and generosity probably are the best words to shortly summarise aspects of my personality. 


If by any chance, your intuition was to spark some interest to experience the ways of the Tarot with me, feel free to follow its guidance, as I will wholeheartedly guide you in return. 

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